Remember Wendy and Lisa from Princes 'Revolution' band? The were secretly married for many years

Publish date: 2024-04-06

Lisa Coleman and Wendy Melvoin were teenagers when they joined Prince on the Revolution, the band that accompanied the singer on his rise to luck. There used to be all the time a light of puzzle about their relationship, and years later, the girls confessed that yes, they were a couple for 20 years.

Back in the early ‘80s, Prince was at the height of his popularity. He had simply released his first album and wanted to amp issues up for his next step into the song trade. So he created a multi-racial, multi-gendered musical ensemble. Lisa was once on keyboard and piano, and Wendy on guitars.

They were 19 once they joined the band, Wendy three years after Lisa, and they were head over heels in love with every different. The girls’ story seems like out of a rom-com movie. They met when they were two-years-old, went to the similar school and became pals. They fell in love at 16 and were a pair for 22 years.

Their relationship labored completely for what Prince sought after to express through his band and all the thriller in the back of it. They were the illustration of gay folks even if they never admitted publicly that they were in combination. It used to be better that way for the singer, who fully supported their relationship and the creative energy they shared.

In an interview with Out a few years in the past, Lisa and Wendy in spite of everything opened up about existence with Prince and how it was once for them to be a lesbian couple in a male-dominated industry the place they were already alienated for being feminine musicians.

“With Prince and the Revolution, I believe that it was simply taken for granted that we were supposed to be the gay reps in the band. The blacks, the whites, the gays. And other people would say, Gee, do you assume this lesbian factor is going to paintings for them? So, after the band roughly split up, the report labels would be like, You wish to be dressed in fur coats and sitting on motorcycles and long fingernails...” explained Wendy.

Lisa also explained the extent of Prince’s goal to have his band a representation of a racial and sexuality rainbow, as she remembered one particular instance:

“We had a photograph shoot for the Purple Rain poster. We were all in our other positions and he at one point walked over to me and Wendy and lifted my arm up and put my hand around Wendy's waist and said, There. And that is the poster. That's how actual he used to be about how he wanted the symbol of the band to be. He sought after it to be way more obtrusive. We weren't just the two women in the band.”

However, they didn’t really feel stressed via the singer’s evident intentions. Instead, they fell safe, as Wendy defined that “There used to be so much thriller round him and he by no means had to answer to anyone or anything else and I was so younger and dumb that I believed I may just undertake that philosophy.”

Wendy and Lisa had an unbelievable experience in combination as a pair, but they’re not together. At least now not romantically. They still play and produce song in combination, but each has their own circle of relatives. After Prince’s death, they reunited with the rest of the Revolution band to reminisce their time together and proportion their grief and pain.

Coleman explained their want to reunite after the singer’s passing, saying:

“We’re the best different people who can understand the loss we really feel. We walked on the moon with this man. I’ve by no means felt anything like how we’ve been feeling at these presentations. People are openly weeping and the subsequent minute they’re smiling. It’s profound.”

Wendy and Lisa will always be crucial part of Prince’s story, and in this day and age they’re nonetheless doing what they love, together, as the highest buddies they’ve all the time been.
